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Religious Studies Starts from £4.00

Empower Your Child’s Future with Engaging Islamic Learning! Join for £4 a lesson!

With over 1,000 students already benefitting from our engaging weekly classes we continue to strive to give them the best tools for their future.

  • Each session is designed to deepen their understanding of core beliefs, values, and practices in Islam, helping them not only learn but truly connect with the teachings.

  • Our lessons balance traditional knowledge with interactive learning, ensuring students feel both challenged and inspired.

  • Don’t let your child miss out on this unique learning experience!


Why iacademy?

  • Two comprehensive Islamic courses for your child: iSyllabus for Schools and the Cambridge IGCSE™ Islamic Studies 0493.

  • Structured lessons themed on the principles of Islam, Imaan and Ihsan.

  • Weekly classes aligned with the school academic year.

  • Taught by qualified and relatable teachers.

  • Multiple classes running every Sunday.

  • Resources include workbooks, journals and presentations.

  • Assessment via homework, class tests and exam.

  • Option of Cambridge IGCSE™ Islamic Studies pathway upon completion of Workbook 5 and 6.


What is iSyllabus for Schools?

iSyllabus for Schools is a complete Islamic Studies curriculum for 9-17 year olds. We teach online using a holistic set of resources for the whole Muslim community.

Our informative Islamic studies resources are not just for young Muslims, they provide a simple and clear insight into the Islamic faith. Our approach helps teach the religion of Islam in an easy and unambiguous way.

Our Workbooks and and material support learning by remaining pupil focused, measuring progress, and as educators we have the online tools required to teach a structured interactive course leading to an  IGCSE™ in Islamic Studies with the Cambridge Exam Board.


Disclaimer: We DO NOT vet or verify the clubs and services listed. Please research thoroughly before participating, as we cannot endorse or take responsibility for these offerings.